2018年22周: 搬家啦


新家感觉好吗,其实并没有。住进来的第一个晚上,就发现这破小区一个最严重的问题 —— 噪音。四面环路,24 小时噪音不间断。开窗吧,有噪音。关窗吧,有甲醛。让人左右为难。


2018年21周: 幼儿急疹


长达三天的发烧,已经让初为父母的我们着急上火,抓耳挠腮了。加上小孩哭闹,食欲不振,那个心酸,没法让我们静等三天看有没有出疹。何况引起发烧的原因,也不是只有幼儿急疹这一种。所以在娃发烧的第二天,就忍不住去儿童医院了。结果做了化验,医生告诉我们,这是病毒性感冒。于是给了些清热解毒的药回来。最严重的要数第二天晚上,高烧到 39 度,吃了退烧药才勉强睡着。第三天晚开始出红疹,退了烧,有了幼儿急疹的症状,才放下心来。再过了两天,红疹消退,病也好了。

在看了化验结果后,经验丰富的医生仍然没有确认这是幼儿急疹,只当病毒性感冒处理。但我不怪他,我向来认为医生瞧病和发射载人宇宙飞船一样,是本世纪最难的活。瞧病面对多种的可能,如何快速评价那一种处理是最优,这是个难题。单就发烧,少说有数十种疾病可以导致。在少量检查和症状下,医生很难判断,给清热解毒药是最稳妥的做法。如果没有病毒感染,至少可以安慰一下焦急的父母,安慰剂在医疗史上起了很大作用;发射载人宇宙飞船是个精细的活,不容许错误,但凡发现一个 bug,就是船毁人亡的悲剧。


2018年18周-20周: 最长的假期

得益于公司政策改革,加上五一黄金周,这次破天荒休了一个长达 21 天的假期,不能更爽!



2018年17周: The legend of white snake

Today I will show you a story named The legend of white snake. It’s very famous traditional story in China, there are a lot of versions, I will show you the one.

In tradition, People think if one man died, he must drink a soup named MengPoTang that will make him forget everything. And then, He will be born again and have a new life. so every one has a lot of previous lifes, but unfortunately we often cannot remember that.

Our story starts from their previous life. A shepherd boy saved one small white snake from a man making a living by catch snake.

1700 years later, Shepherd boy becames handsome boy, and catch snake man becames buddhist monk. the small white snake becames huge white snake :), it has magic and becames beautiful girl.

How to talk with a girl and start new relationship? The best way in China is to lend her an umbrella, Xuxian is good at this.

They fell in love when they met and then get married. After married, they worked as docter and saved a lots of people’s life.

Why people can fall in love at first glance? It’s an easy question in our story, because they have story in their previous life. Xu xian helped White snake skip, and White snake also wants to repay. Live is magical feelings that can kept in thousand yeas, hate is also. Fahai doesn’t forget their story, he want to revenge. So fightings between Fahai and the couple is comming.

  • Round one: One day, Fahai met Xuxian and told him “Your wife is a snake”, But Xuxian said: “No, My wife is a human being!”. “Do you dare to drink realgar wine to her?”, “Yes”. And then, White snake drinks realgar wine and becomes the huge white snake. Xu xian was scared to death. At last, White snake steals ganoderma grass and saved her husband back.

  • Round two: Another day, Fahai met Xuxian again and asked him “You wife is snake, Do you believe it now?”. Xuxian said: “Yes, I konw but I don’t care!”. So Fahai locked Xuxian in Jingshan temple. White snake cannot find her husband so she got the water filled the temple. And then, she got her husband back home.

  • Round three: At this time, Fahai met Xuxian and didn’t say anything. He locked White snake to Leifeng Tower directly. Because in last fighting, the water made a lot of people die.

Xuxian has no magic and cannot save her wife. Until her son grow up and get top one in national examination and saved her mother back. Since then, their family has had a happy life.

Why it come down?

  • Happy end
  • Advise people to be kind
  • One hundred filial piety is the first (百善孝为先)

2018年16周: 呵护你的工具


